Clouds of stars (Csillagfelhő)
Clouds of stars
Twilight has grown tired thus it’s going to retire
It kindly falls asleep behind a curtain of clouds
A bell of stars is chiming in the light show of fire
Covering itself deep in the gentle shadow of the shroud.
The dim silhouette of the sun is showing through the clouds
Stretching sleepily under its close woven veil
Yawning unwillingly starts weaving a dream
That leaves ashes of stars behind from the fleecy clouds.
All the planets are performing a dance of fire
Their dance is permeated with the song of birds
The evening finally ends with a commotion
The thundercloud is shooting a lightning from words.
The Light is hiding behind the halo of the moon
Among subdued shadows creeping silently.
Getting lost behind the light curtain of clouds
It fades away, poor thing, crying clouds of stars quietly.
Translated by Lucia Katona
Fordította: Katona Lucia